Run to the finish Podcast 106

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Marathon training Day 4
Marathon training Journal day 4 check in


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ផតខាស់ឡើងវិញពី 6 សីហា

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Today I’m talking with Amanda from Run to the Finish. She recently had to face one of the greatest fears for a lot of runners – whether or not to have surgery after battling a knee injury for a long time. She tried everything first – went to multiple doctors, researched other options as well as finally went under the knife.  Amanda left no stone unturned so this episode is incredibly informative as well as inspiring since she’s sharing where she is now in her running (spoiler: she’s training for a race). plus – we’ve both done a lot of the same races – including the Jerusalem Marathon so there’s a lot of fun mixed into this one!

In situation you’re new here… I’m Monica a former chubby kid turned health trainer as well as former sloth turned marathon runner. I started Run eat Repeat to share my journey as well as I’m delighted you’re here!

Let’s start with a warm up!

Warm Up:

I’m bummed about the delay on this episode. My fail 100%. however I have a ton of new episodes as well as interviews lined up! So if you have a question for a runner, running trainer or other expert – ask!

And for a mini-update on things in RER-land…

1. I’ve been doing a lot of videos answering your Q&A on Instagram as well as a lot of people asked… Did you move??

I’m house-sitting as well as pet dog sitting for a friend. So I’m talking to you from his home office.

It’s very fancy compared to my regular digs however sooooo hilly around here I drive somewhere else to run. however he has a home gym. So it evens out on the work-out front.

2. My sweetheart as well as I broke up. I’ve been getting a lot of questions on dating. So I’ll talk about this soon… however in the indicate time if you want to play matchmaker send noods.

*Noods as in noodles. I need carbs to get through this hard time.

3. Diego is huge as well as awesome.

Now let’s get to today’s interview…

Amanda Brooks from Run to the Finish

Amanda Brooks is the author of Run to the She currently lives in Colorado however loves to travel as well as run all around the world. recently she battled a mystery running injury as well as exhausted all options to heal it… seeing multiple doctors,  doing physical therapy exercises, steroid shots, taking time off from running as well as finally made a decision to have surgery. It’s been a long journey as well as she’s sharing everything she’s learned along the way…

Amanda as well as I talk about…

How she got started running.

Her first half marathon. Was it a option or did a friend think ‘she’s the only one crazy enough to do it’?!

Traveling as well as Running – her favorite races all around the world! She’s quite the traveler!

How she injured her knee… doctors couldn’t really find the issue as well as she never got a formal diagnosis.

All the different things she tried to heal as well as get back to her running goals. It was months of seeing different doctors, researching options, considering new methods, exercises as well as more.

The decision to have exploratory surgery as well as how it went. The process to come back after surgery.

How her knee is doing now as well as if she can run again.

Her present training plan as well as what’s next for her fitness goals.


Contact Amanda at Run to the

Facebook Run to the Finish

Instagram Run to the Finish

Twitter Run to the Finish

I hope this episode is incredibly fun as well as informative! considering that we pointed out one of my favorite races – the Jerusalem Marathon – here are some of my highlights articles from it…

Jerusalem Marathon Recap

What I Ate in Jerusalem as well as after the Marathon

Floating Away in the Dead Sea

Now it’s time for the awards!

Awards for this week:

1. becoming by Michelle Obama. Love. I want to talk about it!!

2. The person who comprehensive my cars and truck as well as prayed for me.

3. chocolate Chips

Got a question or topic Idea?

If you have a question or topic idea… tell me!


Call: 562 888 1644

Take a screenshot or selfie as well as identify @RunEatRepeat on Instagram letting me know what you’re doing ideal now! This is my favorite!!

Thank you for listening! have a great one!!








ធ្វកធូ 2





ការរត់ទទួលទានផតឃែស្ថម្តងទៀត 89 ការណែនាំល្អបំផុតក៏ដូចជាកម្មវិធីផតឃែស្ថដ៏អាក្រក់បំផុត

ការរត់ទទួលទានផតឃែស្ថម្តងទៀត 89 ការណែនាំល្អបំផុតក៏ដូចជាកម្មវិធីផតឃែស្ថដ៏អាក្រក់បំផុត

ផតឃែស្ថដែលគ្របដណ្តប់លើថ្ងៃឈប់សម្រាកអាហារល្អបំផុតក៏ដូចជាអនុសាសន៍ផតឃែស្ថថ្មីអាក្រក់បំផុត – ឬកម្មវិធីដែលបង្ហាញថាខ្ញុំរញ៉េរញ៉ៃខ្ញុំ។ ដំណើរការ n

ហេតុអ្វីបានជាខ្ញុំបានទៅព្យាបាលដំបូងក៏ដូចជាអ្វីដែលបានកើតឡើងដោយពិចារណាថាផតឃែស្ថ 109

ហេតុអ្វីបានជាខ្ញុំបានទៅព្យាបាលដំបូងក៏ដូចជាអ្វីដែលបានកើតឡើងដោយពិចារណាថាផតឃែស្ថ 109

ហេតុអ្វីបានជាខ្ញុំទៅព្យាបាលក៏ដូចជារឿងរ៉ាវរបស់ខ្ញុំពីរបៀបដែលខ្ញុំបានរកឃើញអ្នកព្យាបាលក៏ដូចជាគំនិតរបស់ខ្ញុំលើវា។ អ្នករត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងជាលើកដំបូងនៅលើ P របស់នាង P

300 ផោនក៏ដូចជាការរត់សំបុត្រផតខាស់ជូននាយកប្រណាំង

300 ផោនក៏ដូចជាការរត់សំបុត្រផតខាស់ជូននាយកប្រណាំង

ការរត់ផតឃែស្ថចំនួន 300 ផោនក៏ដូចជាការចំណាយភាគហ៊ុនពីរបៀបដែលគាត់ស្រកទំងន់បានស្រកទំងន់បានចេញពីសាឡុងទៅ 5K ទៅម៉ារ៉ាតុងក៏ដូចជាឥឡូវនេះកំពុងដំណើរការ

វិធីដែលត្រូវឱ្យសមការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងទៅក្នុងជីវិតដ៏មមាញឹករបស់អ្នកជាមួយនឹងអ្នកបង្ហាត់ផតខាស់ 96

វិធីដែលត្រូវឱ្យសមការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងទៅក្នុងជីវិតដ៏មមាញឹករបស់អ្នកជាមួយនឹងអ្នកបង្ហាត់ផតខាស់ 96

របៀបដែលត្រូវឱ្យការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងទៅជាការងារពេញម៉ោងក៏ដូចជាជីវិតគ្រួសារ។ ចេញពីការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងទៅម៉ារ៉ាតុងរ៉ាំរ៉ៃ

រត់ទៅផតខាស់បញ្ចប់ 134

រត់ទៅផតខាស់បញ្ចប់ 134

រត់ដល់ទីបញ្ចប់ជាមួយសំភាសន៍អាំដាដាប្រូស្តានៅលើការរត់បរិភោគញ៉ាំផតឃែស្ថម្តងហើយម្តងទៀតភាគ 134. សៀវភៅថ្មីរបស់នាងដែលជាការប្រណាំងថ្មីរបស់នាង



ការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងទីក្រុងញូវយ៉កថ្ងៃប្រណាំងគំនិតអាហារក៏ដូចជាផតឃែស្ថជាច្រើនទៀត។ ការរត់ Blogger ដែលមានសុខភាពល្អមានសុខភាពល្អជាងមុនភាគហ៊ុនទាំងអស់បានចែករំលែកទាំងអស់ t

⚡ដោយ Shareaolic

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