This is why I Run

“I might never do that.”

“I dislike running!”

5 minute Run warm Up A
Fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. exactly how to get prepared to run. ideas of what to do before you run


0 seconds of 5 minutes, 34 seconds


00 ៈ 00

“I don’t run.”

I’ve heard this from people when they discover out I run marathons & half marathons.

Other runners get it however we can still have extremely different reasons why we run. Here’s mine…

Day 2 of stack on the Miles: Why do you run?

I started walking to lose weight the summertime after high institution as well as ultimately started running.

I ran a 10K with a buddy as well as it opened my eyes to a whole new world.

People like me (overweight, slow, newbie) run too?!
Everyone’s welcome?
We’re right here to have fun?
I can really run a race? Outside?? នៅ​ទី​សាធារណៈ?!?

I was shocked that it wasn’t just speedy, skinny cross country runners. I completely expected to surface last or quit.

Actually running a race provided me the guts to believe about trying one more race.

From there I trained for a half marathon. That was extremely hard. however I did it!

I ran halfs for a while before choosing to run one full marathon. I understood it’d be incredibly challenging. as well as I was still having a hard time with my weight.

So I started as a training & diet plan blog to paper my journey (and keep me honest).

I didn’t expect any individual to checked out it. It was just for fun. however RER grew a big following.
My like for running grew too!

I wished to assist others as well as be a resource so I got licensed as a RRCA Running instructor as well as later a Holistic health and wellness instructor (with the Institute for integrated Nutrition).

I’m so delighted as well as grateful that I can link with you with @RunEatRepeat !

And it’s all since running discovered me.

So why do I run?

I run since I like it.
I look ahead to weekend long runs as well as quick miles on a weekday morning.
I like exactly how I feel after a 10 miler. I like hitting that wonderful area of worn out as well as runner’s high.
I like speaking about running!
I like assisting other runners with ideas as well as advice.
I like the buddies I’ve made with running.
I like that people of all ages, experience levels, backgrounds, etc can link with running.

Running has altered my life.

PILE on the MILES Day 2

The picture of the day difficulty timely is – Why I Run. Share your reason on Instagram as well as identify @RunEatRepeat so I can checked out about your ‘why’.

I published the listing on IG so you can likewise screenshot it there to save as well as comply with along!

Why do you run?

Tag me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat with your answer!

#PileOnTheMiles #RunEatRepeat

If you want to join the stack on the Miles difficulty you can still indication up here:

Pile on the Miles difficulty 2019







ធ្វកធូ 2






AFC half Marathon Race recap as well as Photos

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Boston Marathon Monday, however a online 5K

Boston Marathon Monday, however a online 5K

I ran the Boston athletic association online 5K today! as well as it’s Marathon Monday, well it’s technically 5K Monday… however tការប្រមូលផ្ដុំការប្រណាំងពាក់កណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុង


ការប្រណាំងម៉ារ៉ាតុងពាក់កណ្តាលសងក៏ដូចជាការពិនិត្យឡើងវិញ។ កម្មវិធីរត់ពាក់កណ្តាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងពាក់កណ្តាលនៃការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងពាក់កណ្តាលនៃការប្រណាំងក៏ដូចជាគំនិតសម្រាប់គំនិតសម្រាប់



LEXUS Lace ឡើងលើអត្រាការប្រាក់ពាក់កណ្តាលនៃការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុង 5K ។ ដំណើរការឡើងវិញក៏ដូចជាការវាយតម្លៃប្រណាំងសម្រាប់ការរត់ដ៏រីករាយរបស់សត្វរមាំងរត់។ ក៏ដូចជាឌីស

អ្វីដែលការលុបចោលម៉ារ៉ាតុងរបស់បូស្តុនបង្ហាញពីការរត់ – ផតឃែស្ថ 125

អ្វីដែលការលុបចោលម៉ារ៉ាតុងរបស់បូស្តុនបង្ហាញពីការរត់ – ផតឃែស្ថ 125

ច្បាស់ពីរបៀបដែលការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងម៉ារ៉ាតុងបានលុបចោលផលប៉ះពាល់ទាំងអស់នៅឆ្នាំ 2020. តើអ្នកឈ្នះរបស់អ្នកនឹងក្លាយជានិម្មិតទេ? Chaning ថ្ងៃរត់វែងរបស់ខ្ញុំក៏ដូចជាបូ



ការចុះបញ្ជីគោលដៅដែលកំពុងដំណើរការបំផុតសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ 2022. មគ្គុទេសក៍ការងារដែលមានគោលដៅដំណើរការឆ្នាំថ្មីដើម្បីកំណត់គោលដៅរត់ល្អបំផុតរបស់អ្នក!

⚡ដោយ Shareaolic

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